3 weeks old today ❤ sorry it's long

My son just turned 3 weeks old today and im barely getting around to my birth story lol. My due date was 10/26 and in my due date I had my last ob appointment and we decided to get induced that Sunday night (10-30). So finally we get to the hospital, waited 15 minutes for someone to start admitting me then after maybe 30 minutes I finally got a room. I had the nicest nurse when I first got to the L&D room, so I got hooked up and she inserted the cervical, I had some pain but not alot. At that point I was only 1 cm and she told me they will check in 12 hrs how far I was. So fast forward until the next morning at 8 am ive only progressed to 2.5 cm so my ob started the potocin and tried to break my water. And man I was in so much pain, My cervix was high and she couldn't break it. So she came back an hr later and tried again, she thought she broke it and then left the room. Then at 11 am the anesthesiologist came to the room and started to prep me for my Epi, which was weird because I hadn't ask for it yet and I honestly wasn't feeling my contractions, I was told they were every 4-5 minutes. So I thought alright he's already here I'll just get it, then my nurse comes in and says he has the wrong room. 😧 so he leave and says he'll be back in a few hrs, art this point my family is in the room with me and my nurse comes in and says I need my catheter in. I honestly had a rude nurse and she gave me an ugly attitude because I had to go to the restroom. I really wanted to pee my self just to make her clean it lol but after I went to the restroom it was time do my epi, and it wasn't so bad it kicked in after 10 minutes and my lower body was completely dead lol. Then half an hr later my ob comes in and checks me I'm still at 2.5 and she tries to break my water again and this time was successful. So I waited all the way until 3 pm for her to come back and check one last time and at that point she told me I was in need of a c section because my body wasn't progressing and baby wasn't coming down. She said she had a surgery at 5 so i had to be at 4, then my nurse started to prep and shaved me then wheeled me to the or room. At this point I can see the fear in my Fiances eyes because he wasn't allowed with me until they were almost done with the csection. Omg even tho I had the Epi I felt everything! God I was in so much pain I was screaming and crying on the table, luckly they let him in to hold my hand. The last thing I remember was feeling pressure and then I heard his cry ❤ then I look over and she's holding him so I can see him. The last thing I remember was saying he's beautiful and I passed out. I woke up later in the recovery being told he was 8 lbs 14 oz and 20.5 inches long born at 4:10 pm on October 31st ❤ now he's a healthy 10 lb baby boy 👶 (he was born with clubbed feet, that's why he wears casts)