Post egg retrieval, before implantation!!

I did egg retrieval on October 30th and currently have 11 frozen embryos! The original plan was a 5 day transfer, but because my hormone levels were high and the abundance of follicles the doctor told me we had to freeze the embryos because of hyperstimulation... The plan was once I started my cycle following egg retrieval to start daily monitoring at day 9 for ultrasound and bloodwork. They are looking to for an LH surge, uterine lining to be adequate, and my 1 follicle in my natural cycle to measure between 16-20. She said right now all my follicles are under 10. Im getting so nervous they aren't going to detect ovulation:( Im on day 13 of my cycle and was advised to go back Wednesday for my next monitoring. Have any of you done implantation the cycle following ER and ovulated late ??