Already a week old


I was induced on November 12th at 39 weeks exactly, due to my "advanced maternal age" (37), and gestational diabetes (which had been under control throughout my pregnancy).

The doctor ordered pitocin, and it was started at 830pm. I was 2cm dilated. He started at a low dose. I have a history of pulmonary embolisms and have been on anticoagulants the entire pregnancy, so he was trying to avoid intense contractions to avoid the need for an epidural.

I walked, I napped, I walked some more. By 130 the next afternoon, with the pitocin maxed out, I was sleeping through contractions....not very effective. The dr checked me again, and I was 4cm. He broke my water.

Then things got real! I went from not feeling contractions to intense contractions every two minutes. I had a half a dose of iv pain meds, which took the edge off. By 230, I told the nurse that I was feeling A LOT of pressure. I was 10cm, and felt like I had to push. The dr was across the hall finishing up with another mom. The nurses ran and got him. He got set up, and three pushes later, Madison Rose made her appearance. 19.75 inches long, 8.5 pounds.

I had some tears that needed stiching, but not as bad as when I had my other two girls.