Birth Story

Olivia F.

She's Here! My unexpectedly easy kinda sorta labor.

So I'm kinda late on my story. My princess is currently 3 weeks. I thought I'd share my story because I know before I had her I was looking high and low for other women birth stories. Maybe my story can be helpful.

* So I was 39 weeks 5 days when I went in to be induced. This was a mutual decision for me & my doctor. I was going to my every week check up since 36 weeks & I was progressing soooo slow so I felt I would be induced anywayyy. So on Wednesday went in for a NST because her heartbeat was kinda low ( turns out she was just sleep) the next day I was initially supposed to be induced at 6 am but ended up going in at 12 am due to nurse miscommunication & lack of beds. So at around 4 am they started me on cervidil which had to stay in for 12 hours which was a long string they stuck alllll the way up my vagina which was only supposed to soften the cervix but lucky me it dilated me to 2 cm by the 12 hour markers, I had mild contractions before they started me on the pitocin. I made it to 4cm when my doctor came In to break my water ( weirdest feeling ever) that's when it was go time for the contractions. I already knew I was getting an epidural but there was an hour delay because the anesthesiologist was in surgery (just wonderful) so I wait & just breath through my contractions BREATH LADIES IT HELPS SO MUCH. I made it to 6 cm without epidural before they came to start. I'm not scared of needles so getting it wasn't bad to me. But BABBBYYYYY that epidural I received was BOMB.COM. in minutes my contractions were a thing of the past but the best thing was I could still move my legs. So it's 2 going on 3 am it's just a waiting game to 10 cm. I get to 10 cm & push for an hour. I tore only a little because I had the best most patient doctor (who wasn't my obgyn & was a last minute change) before you know it I was holding my 7lb 8oz baby GIRL

Kennedi Taylor