
Alright, it's labor story time for those who are interested. So we got here at 7:30 in the morning and started pitocin at 8. Around 9 we had complications with her heart rate getting craazzyyy high, so they stopped the pitocin, did an ultrasound, ultrasound was good so they cleared me to start pitocin again at 11:30-12. Doctor broke my water at 1:05 and that's when the fun began.. lol it started with "oh that's a contraction? That's not that bad" and by 1:45 I was saying "get me the epidural. NOW!" So, epidural doesn't come until about 2:45, get that in and it was heaven. Until about an hour later when my left side got all the feeling back so I was feeling all of the contractions but only on my left side. Contractions were steady every 1-2 minutes and so strong it made my legs shake. Finally they come fix that by shooting me up with a double dose of the epidural which causes my legs to go COMPLETELY numb this time and I don't feel a single thing. I fall asleep around 4:15 and then I'm woken up at 6 by nurses flooding in and putting oxygen on me and pushing me side to side and yelling "where's the doctor?!? Someone get Sherilyn fast!" So of course I'm freaking out. Babies heart rate had dropped to 70 (should never go below 110) and I was 10 centimeters and needed to push but couldn't because I was too numb from the epidural. So from 4:15 to 6, I had went from 5 and a half centimeters to a full 10 centimeters. After a few minutes, her heart rate picked back up and they shut off my epidural and said once I got the feeling back in my legs and could push, we were having a baby! So at around 6:45-6:50, I felt EVERYTHING. I started pushing and it was like the epidural never even got put in, I could feel it all. I pushed for a total of 10-15 minutes and out popped little Zahara <a href="">Eve</a> at 7:01 on the dot! At first she was placed on my chest until they realized she wasn't breathing good on her own from all the meconium (poop) that she sucked and breathed in, so they had to take her from me and get her down to special care and that's where she's been since. I tore enough to need stitches but nothing too serious, and I'm black and blue all down there, but in the end it was totally worth it to see my baby girl. I would do it all again if I had to to make sure she was safe and sound. The moment she touched my chest I felt a love like you couldn't even imagine to feel for someone. That little girl is my world and forever will be. She's so perfect in every way and she's such a strong little fighter! It was a long hard day but I couldn't trade the feeling of being a mom for anything ❤️