Metformin success stories ?

Ebbi • Hubby and I have been together almost 10 years. :) 06.30.08 and we`re trying for our first baby! 😁
Has any one had success with metformin? If so, How long were you on it? I been taking it a few days now so I'm most def felling side effects. Lol I love hearing ladies success stories, and it gives me hope cause we been trying for almost 3 years. I just got prescribed metformin, and my period literally started the next day after taking it. Idk if that did it, or if my period really did come on its own. My period has been late for a little over a month (not surprised). It comes when it wants to. I will go like 6 months without having one. Hopefully this does it so my cycle can be regulated and so we can finally start trying