Feeling ugly and unwanted

Our twin girls are now 6 weeks. I forgot the last time he told me i was beautiful or the last time he kissed me with desires. He sleep next to eachother like sleepover friends. The most i get is his back against mines because he's cold and he seeks warmth. I don't get compliments whatsoever. He loves his daughter cause i can tell but i think he doesn't want me. I cook, clean, support and shelter but Im still not sexy. Its 2:54am and my eyes cant stop the flow. Im looking at my girls wishing their father would hug, kiss me and tell me how beautiful i am as he reminds them. I guess im not the one after all despite giving him this blessing. I guess im the unattractive ugly duckling he regrets. Im just so sad. Sad of crying, not sleeping, wanting affection, wanting sexual conversation, desiring touches. I should stop typing and realize that im not cute just good enough to care for his children...GOOD NIGHT MAYBE TOMORROW I CAN STOP BEING JEALOUS OF MY OWN DAUGHTERS ATTENTION. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BUT WHEN WILL SOMEONE LOVE ME?