How to get my mom to buy me sexy underwear

So I'm seventeen and about to go to college. I was recently in a show in our theater department and in the other ladies in my dressing room decided to make Saturday shows "sexy underwear day". They all talked about how their moms had gotten them silky thongs and lacy bras for sixteenth birthday presents, Christmas etc. Meanwhile I am literally wearing the same underwear I wore in middle school which is faded cotton flowers and polka dots with elastic so crappy it digs into my hips. My mom insists I don't need "sexy underwear". I agree with her in some ways: I'm not sexuality active nor will I be until I am in a committed relationship, just based on my own values, not necessarily because of rules. But I feel like I should have something sexy and comfortable as a secret for myself. I see it more as one of the pleasures a woman can give herself to celebrate her body. How do I ask her, and convince her, to purchase me some?