emotional day!

Well after being 2 weeks later the bitch has come!  My husband and I have been trying for a baby since July of 2015 we got pregnant in dec of 2015 and miscarried at 10 weeks so feb 2016 and have not been able to get pregnant since!  This mouth I thought it was going to be the month!  I have prayed and prayed and nothing!   I always wanted my kids to be close in age and now I look at it and now anytime if we get pregnant out son will be over 3 years old!  I feel I won't have the energy now for a new born and a toddler!   I never wanted to leave the baby stage and then start all over again!  I no I can't help it just hard to deal with when things don't do the way you think they will!   I think every second day or so a new we are pregnant comes on my Facebook and I can't help but tear up!  I should not feel sorry for myself I see many of you that don't even have a baby yet or have been trying for years and years!  I should feel very lucky!  But still I find my self crying in the back corner at work!