Turkey baby ☺️

Miss Kenzington Rae 6 lbs 10 oz. So this morning I posted about having period like cramps in my lower back then they got super intense . I waited from 3 am-6:50 am the finally told my SO we gotta go. We arrived at the hospital at 7 they checked me in and checked me I was 3 1/2 and in labor at 9 I was 7 cm and my doctor came in the break my water . I also was bleeding. They took me to my suit then they gave me epidural I didn't get any tummy contractions just back ones. I was progressing very quickly every hour they came to check me I was dilating even more . By 1 o'clock I was already at 10 cm. My baby girl was born at 3:18 at 38w6days. She is having difficulty breathing on her own so she is in the NICU 😞 I miss her so much