How do I ask my doctor to schedule induction?

Okay, without judgement I need advice. For multiple reasons I would like to be induced at 39 weeks. For starters, I'm due December 30. FTM but my doctor is planning on going on vacation that week. Which makes me extremely anxious! Not only that, and this might seem selfish, but my deductible is $3,000. I'm still paying it each visit, so if she comes in 2017 I will have to start all over and I'm so stressed about it! I could care less about the tax deduction (although that would help with bills) but I'm extremely anxious about her coming that last week! I love my doctor and I want her to be the one delivering! And I know everyone says "oh it won't matter at that point!" But it matters now. So how to I bring this up without sounding like a crazed lunatic whose worried about money? I just don't want my baby girl to come into the work and me unable to completely enjoy every second with her because I'm worried about the money...