1 day old not eating very much

Samantha • Leila Jade's mommy 👶🏼💘
So I last breast fed at 230 at the hospital and she did fine now that we are home she's been sleeping forever and we keep trying to wake her up to feed her and she just keeps falling asleep. Its now 830 .. i tried a nipple shield and tried both sides and there's colostrum in both sides and she just won't take any she just keeps falling back asleep and I don't want her to starve but she's not waking up me and Dylan have been both trying for like 40 mins and she just keeps falling back asleep no matter how much we move her.. then tried again for 20 mins and changed her first she just had poop but after she latched for about 1 minute total and just kept falling back asleep so now we're going to keep waking her up every hour to try.