I need advice & I need help like NOW. SOMEONE?! ANYONE?! 😰

I need advice ladies. My Fiance of 3+ years has called me randomly & scaled off our engagement. He has not cheated on me, & as a woman, I feel really strongly (emotion wise). I feel lost. I'm supposed to pick him up at the airport in a couple of weeks as he comes home for the holidays & post deployment leave (YAY!), but after this call, he says he will still ask for me to pick him up, he just doesn't want to be with me. He claims he has not been happy for a long time. & that he doesn't love me. Yesterday, we were just fine. We talked all day about how excited we were for him to come home finally. & we were excited about all these things we had planned to do. & now it's all over. 
I need advice on how to get through this since fianals are right around the corner. & I need help on how to think this through.Â