my vag birth turned into a C-section

Stephanie R.
I haven't gotten a chance to share my story. I've been busy being a mommy & catching up on sleep when I can! But anyway, on Nov.10 I went to L&D to be induced, I had been waitting all day on an elective wait, & once I got there they gave me pitocin & within an hour or so I started feeling mild contractions kinda like period cramps, 2 hours later I felt my water break & it felt like a rubber band popping inside me & then a huge gush that wouldn't stop for a while. Next the contraction pains escalated quickly & I could only tolerate it for about an hour so I asked for the epidural & barely felt it being injected. It felt cold & soothing. I was in labor 12 hours & pushed for 2 when they realized the baby just wasn't going to fit / wasn't coming down low enough. I was rushed to get a c section & it honestly was the scariest thing ever (for me). I felt a heavy organ or what felt like a steak being tossed onto my upper abdomen & lots of pressure. Soon after my 8pound 11 oz baby measuring 21.5inches was in my arms & it was the best feeling ever. I couldn't believe such a beautiful & BIG baby had been growing inside me. Scary for me to think about going thru it again, but I think I would❤️