Early labor..

Kasi • Mommy to Killian Lee Gonzales (12.29.16) pregnant with my second due 07.27.19
I'm 33 weeks today and I'm so nervous about going into early labor. I've been getting inconsistent braxton hicks contractions a lot followed with back pain. I've been getting severe back pain a lot lately. I'm not good at timing the contractions cause I'm never sure when I'm actually having a contraction. I have to feel my stomach to know for sure. I've been telling myself "there's nothing to worry about until your water breaks." But I've read on here not everyone's water breaks.. I meet my delivery doctor on the 29th, but each day I find another reason to worry about early labor. Should I be worried? For anyone who's been through labor before, can you tell me your experiences and ease my worries or at least tell me what I should do? With my contractions lately everyone is telling me I might have this baby in December.. I'm due January 12th.