I'm a slut?????

So I'm 14 and I'm a freshman in high school. I am kind of a big flirt(okay I'm a huge flirt). I'm called a slut around my school and Im really confused. I'm going to tell a story: there was this guy named James that liked me and I toyed around with his emotions and teased him. There is also this guy that likes me we'll call him Conner. and I'm also playing around with his emotions, flirting with James. Speaking highly and flirting and subconsciously trying to seduce this senior that I love and like named Reese(ugh such a great name). I apparently flirt with everybody at the school, does that make me a slut?
Might I add that the senior doesn't even care. I give him plenty of space and he knows I like him. We are at each other's throats half the time.