My 6cm dilated/C section birth story.

My 6 dilated/C section birth story. My baby has been breech since the third trimester started. I tried absolutely everything in my power to try to flip him. Which became an extreme mission for me that turned into frustration and disappointment. I know everything happens for a reason. As a first time mom a c section is just not what you want to hear. For me personally it made me feel like I was cheating the labor experience and I didn't want to. The 22nd was the scheduled c section. That morning at 5 am my water broke. I got to not only experience that but also labor till I dilated to a 6. Might sound strange but I am so grateful to have gone through that. C section went great. Baby is doing great. 6lbs 11oz. 19 1/2 inches long. He was frank breech, so at his first month check up they do an ultrasound to make sure he will not have any hip problems. I am so inlove and thankful. I'm so happy I had this app and all of the support from you wonderful women and the few men that use it. Blessed blessed blessed.