Just like that, it was over...


My husband and I were diagnosed with unexplained secondary infertility. We decided to try our first round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. After beginning the cycle with clomid, we were switched to follistim when I didn't respond well enough. We triggered, had the procedure done and waited. 12dpo we received the news that I was in fact pregnant, but with a low beta number of 14. In 48 hours, my count only went up to 20. Within 4 days, my counts were up to 322. We finally were beginning to feel happy that this was a possibility. I woke this morning to cramps in my right side, backache, and spotting. Our RE wanted us to head straight to the emergency room in case of eptopic. We were relieved to hear they couldn't see anything my tube, but my counts had dropped tremendously. We then received our confirmed miscarriage results. Now, I drive home completely numb and stare at the reminder our baby has left us. Today sucks...