So i have been really busy and i havent been on here in awhile and well i knowni had my period either at the very end of october or the begining of november. My fiance and i have only been ttc for a few weeks now and havent used any protection and have been doing the baby dance quite frequently. The only thing is i forgot exactly when i started my last period so im afraid weve missed our fertile window this month. However when i logged back into glow today it says im svtually ovulating now but alot of the other cmfertile calculators ive used says that my fertile window closed on the 17th. We had unprotected sex for the first time on the 20th and again a few hours later and twice on the 21st and once on the 23rd. Today i started experiencing slight cramping and lower back pain along with tingly breast and ive been a bit emotional. Im not sure if thats simply early pregnacy symptoms and my egg was actually fertilized in the 20th or if im just about to start my period ? It doesnt wuite feel like my period but that could simply be wishful thinking. I was hoping someone might be able to give me some advice or help to ease ny mind alittle.