Fetal assessment that ended in birth!

So heres my birth story, went to my drs appt on nov 23rd and doc felt my stomach and baby was no longer head down, i was 37 weeks 6 days, so she sent me in for an ultrasound the next day, at the ultrasound she was indeed feet first and that can get complicated so the doctor successfully turned baby to the head down position and induced me right away on nov 24th around 230 pm, contractions didnt really get bad till they broke my water at 8pm i was 3 cm so i then had an epideral and by 11 pm i already was 9 and half cm so around 145 am i progressed to a 10 and pushed for 15 mins and baby was born! Weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces! Born on nov 25th at 2:01 am