Should minors be able to date adults?

For the record I completely say no. I personally find it disturbing when someone 17 and under is dating someone in their 20's or god forbid older. A grown adult should not be dating a child- and yes, teenagers are children. Frankly it's alarming to me when an adult can't find someone their own age to date. Unless they are 17 about to turn 18, I find it to be inappropriate (which is the nicest thing I can say because I don't want to come off as attacking those who disagree). What do you think about it?
Note: I am 18. I've had this opinion all my life, even though I've been attracted to older people as a kid (we're all human), I've never developed a relationship because it was illegal and wrong on many levels (to me). I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings, only to discuss. I apologize if I come off otherwise.

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