Girls help please!

Okay so next month in December I'll be 1 year with my boyfriend but he's been so distant with me the past few months and i had a family lost and so many awful events where i just needed him but he's too busy on school and work to be able to give me that attention and never text me at all nd tells me to wait untill he text or looks for me which would take more than 2 weeks. Yesterday he decided it would be better to break up bc he can't always be there for me like he wishes to be and i told him as long as he text me saying he's okay then im okay and i don't want to break up but his mind was very set but our last break up we got back together. So i insisted that i loved him and i dont want to lose him bc he's my everything and I've never loved anyone like i do with him he was my first man to be with sexually and i tried letting him go bc i want him to be happy but i cant something just draws me back to him like a sting in a toy that is attached to it and if you cut the sting then the toy cant function and thats how i feel . I asked him for a last favor for me to see him one more time but now i kind of regret it bc ik I'll be in more pain but i want to see him to see if i can change him mind. i haven't ate at all for 2 days bc i feel very depressed and the last time we talked otp yesterday i told him not to leave me alone but he said he had to go so he asked me to stop crying (i get hysterically crying when we break up or fight) and i asked him to at least act like if we was still together untill tomorrow(today) and he said yes but i asked him to mean it not bc i just asked him n he said that he did mean it, and he asked me not to start a fight with him and i asked him to show me some love like if all of this wasn't happening and he agreed and said he loves me when he hanged up and we haven't talked since then. and today he's coming by to my house and i dont known what to do if i should act all lovely and hug him and kiss him be super flirty and playful or to reason with him but if i do I'll sit there and cry and thats something i dont want to do i want to change his mind on giving one more shot to our relationship. I want him to be with me we planned a life together and i continued school just for him bc i didn't wanted him to be the only one bringing money to the table i do too to help him out. and i always have his back in everything it's just him that says i nag at him for being busy but in reality i just want to know if he's okay bc he doesn't text me at all and you never know when is your last minute of life. He told me he loves me as in the love towards a person like he loves him mom and brothers and family and he also loves me as in a relationship wise. He would never cheat on me thats for sure idk if it's temporary or not he said it was but know i can't believe a word he says bc i think he says them just to ease up my hurt.. i really dont want to break up with him bc I'll feel like i have a higher chance on loosing him for good bc then there's possibilities of someone else and i told him im sorry for being selfish but i dont want him to be for someone else he told me if i ever date someone else he wasn't going to be mad instead he'll be happy bc someone is making me happy but i don't want to see him with someone else. If there's no turn back and the only way is breaking up then i want to block him out of my life but he insisting not to do that bc he still want to be there for me but that will just cause me to hate him bc i would ask myself "where was him when i needed him during the relationship. I dont need him now that we are over" you know? Any advice? Sorry for this being to long.