Very stressful....Please read and Comment.

So I missed my last birth control shot , had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, and he nut in me. Week or so later my boobs start hurting even my boyfriend pointed out they were heavier not to mention I begin to have a discharge. This discharge was weird like it was creamy white with no odor and it wasn't chunky or anything it was just a thick creamy white discharge and I looked it up and it stated it was sign of vagina getting ready to ovulate or something like that. So im like i hope im not pregnant. A Week and some days later I start cramping . I'm like we'll my periods about to come on so ig I'm not but my period was very different this time it was heavier than any other time I've had one. When it first started I was like we'll it can't be implication bleeding bc they say that's light but then I've seen that some women have heavy implication bleeding bc every female body reacts differently...I'm so confused bc I don't understand any of this and it's really stressing me out. I am going to get a test to be sure or even go to doctors. But please if you have any advice or have any knowledge please ladies share it with me.