I can't tell if I'm being used or appreciated 😭🤔

I have been seeing a guy for about 2 months now and things are moving really fast.  He was my first EVERYTHING I mean first kiss, we've been through all the bases and we've even done 69. This may or may not sound like anything crazy, however, we're still in high school and I'm starting to wonder if he even cares about me at all.  All of our acts are consensual and I do them because I enjoy them and we also do normal things like go on dates and have honest conversations- we have a good, healthy relationship. I just sometimes wonder if all the sweet things he does for me like taking me out, holding doors, and making me fall for him in general are just because he wants to get busy... I also don't want to accuse him of everything because I really do feel like he was raised right, I am constantly able to observe the way he treats important women in his life like his mom and sister, and I've never seen a guy more caring and appreciative in that way.  Also while we're both young and I may seem really naive and vulnerable by this post, he's 18 and I will be in a few days.. and I'm not about to get my feelings hurt by anything, I just don't want to be making myself look stupid if I'm letting my basically buy sexual favors. Does anyone wanna talk this out with me? 😅