
Sorry this is long but I have a question and need some suggestions. This may be a personal topic for some but how long is your cycle typically and is it normal? Mine has been completely normal for as long as I can remember. I would always get mine around the same time with minimal problems. My cycle would always be around 30 days. My last period was a day or two late but then I got it and had it for the amount of time I usually do. Then towards the end of my next ovulation I started it again. I took a test a few days later and it was negative. I talked to my doctor and she said it was probably just my cycle resetting itself and that if I missed my next period to take another test. My next one wasn't supposed to be for another 10 days (attached a picture) but now I have what I'm pretty sure is my period again today. Has anyone ever experienced something similar to this? What do you think I should do?