Am I Crazy?

Soooo, this dude I've been dating for about 2 years now and we lived together for 6 months the reason we're not still living together is because he's in jail.. The week he went to jail I got caught up and while I was with a male friend my phone pocket dialed him and he heard me being with someone else at 2 in the morning so he left and went over his ex house playing step dad now he's been gone for 2 days and the day he came home is when he went to jail.. so I've been to every court date,answer every phone call,  letter, etc I'm there.. so recently his ex reached out to me and asked a couple of questions so I asked a few questions back not answering any of hers so I mentioned it to him and he said leave the situation alone and block her but if he wasn't messing around with her like he told me why would he want me to do all of that then he said he's confused he doesn't know who he wants between us two and it's 10 women to 1 man he Muslim I'm Christian I don't believe in that.. plus I'm 21 he's 32 there no confusion there I feel like he wants his cake and eat it too but it's like every since we've been dating it's been a lot of bs dealing with women and the ex is the one it keeps boiling down too I'm so lost I dont know what to do