meeting my boyfriends uncle

I met my boyfriends uncle on Wednesday and I felt really uncomfortable about it but I didn't think I could say anything because my boyfriend thinks so highly of his uncle. They're like best friends but he was asking loads of questions about sex and things and my bf kinda laughed it off but I felt rly uncomfortable. When my bf went to the toilet he started asking about my boyfriends dick and I was like "can u stop please" and my boyfriend came back after that and I was like we need to leave so I tried to shuffle it along as quick as I could and I kinda suggested to my bf that his uncle made me uncomfortable but he was like "it's just a joke." I then get a call from my boyfriend and he starts saying that my uncle told him I was hitting on him and we were both likes tf cuz he knew as much as I do that I wouldn't do that and then his uncle texts me telling me to come with him and back off my boyfriend because I'm bad for him and I was like wtf is going on. Today my bf opened up about being abused by his uncle when he was little (he lived with his uncle and his uncle had mental health issues) his uncle is a lot better now but I'm so confused what should I do? I wanna b with my bf obviously should I tell him about his uncles text and stuff or what... I'm just so confused. Sometimes if I mention his uncle he would just snap and get mad and upset. Idrk what to do cuz ik it'll upset him if I show him the text plus his uncle is very manipulative towards my bf, he knows exactly how to turn him against me cuz he did it with my bf and his sister and knowing my bf's sister ik she wouldn't do what his uncle said she did but he manipulated my bf. Idrk what to do, HELP.....