Feeling nasty after sex?

Okay so I'm putting this on anonymous because of how embarrassed I am by how I feel. I want to start out by saying I'm a Christian, and I'm not sure if that may have something to do with it or if it's just the way my mind works. First off, I've been with my half for 4 years and we just got married last summer. We had sex before marriage and I felt so disgusting and guilty (it happened more then once) finally I told him I didn't want to feel the way I did. I just felt dirty and wanted to cover up and run away so we stopped and I think I felt that way because I knew I was doing wrong (against my religion) so I felt the guilt. Now that we're are married, I'm 24 weeks pregnant. We have sex frequently but I still feel disgusting and get that feeling like I want to hide. I don't want to be touched afterwards, I seriously just want to cry. We're very open about are sex life and we're comfortable talking about it so I've told him how I felt, I just can't think of anything to stop feeling this way. Any advice?
Edit: I want to add that I was sexually abused twice in my life by two different men. I'm not very affected by it though. I had counseling but told my mom that I didn't need it when I was younger because I just wasn't that upset by the situations. I just wanted to stop talking about them, and try to let it go. Could this be a factor?