Is he being controlling or not?

This evening my husband and I were getting ready to take our kids over his uncle house so we could go on a date. I was getting ready, so he fed my son, then started getting the bottles ready while I'm getting dressed. I asked him why he was packing three bottles He said he didn't know. He then asked me to put on my son's clothes and I did then I continued getting ready. I'm telling my daughter to get her things on and my husband is still getting himself ready. At this point everyone is ready to go but my husband so I tell him I'm ready to go and I'm going to start the car. He started getting mad and says i did all this stuff of course you're ready you didn't do anything. I'm like I know I was getting ready and getting our son dressed. Hes like yeah that's because I asked u to if I hadn't asked you would have just done nothing. Then he says i better stop before i get cussed out. At this point I'm like okay whatever he is trying to start an argument so I pick my son up ignoring my husband and start walking out the door to go put him in the car. He stands in front of my physically stopping me from leaving yelling at me, saying no go sit down in the living room and that I'm not going anywhere so to wait for him to get finished. At this point I'm like wtf, so I try and leave again but this time he grabs me by my chest accidentally and it hurts but I don't say anything. I'm telling him he can't prevent me from leaving. He takes my keys so I put my son down and try to leave through the front and then the side door but he blocks both ways. Im angry at this point so I tell him if he does not let me leave I will call the cops. He snatches my phone out of my hand and I go to the front door and force my way out of the house with him screaming at me. Im Walking down the street to cool off. As I'm walking I hear someone behind me. At this point I'm only 2 houses away from my house but I hear foot steps behind me. I turn around to see him behind me. At this point I'm yelling saying you left my kid alone in the house. So I walk back to the house and go in and he is acting like he just wants to talk. This is not the first time he has tried to physically stop me from walking away from an argument with him. Whether it be physically out of the house or to another room in the house. I'm so tired of it. I feel that there is nothing to talk about really. I don't know what to do. I feel that he is so controlling but he is like how. Is that not the definition of controlling? I feel so trapped in this marriage and I don't know what to do.