after a long 41 weeks i was finally induced 6 days after my due date on november 22nd


after a long 41 weeks i was finally induced 6 days after my due date on november 22nd...they said mild was way late to be diagnosed and they were worried enough to induce me two days before a scheduled induction. i went to be induced straight from my doctors appt. i was induced at around 2 pm. i went through labor with no help as far as medicine to 5cm...then the broke my water!!! that felt amazingly AWKWARD 😂😂

after about 3 hours i was 8 cm dialated (i told them once they broke my water it would be go time...they didnt believe me lol) i had asked for the nitrous gas to alleviate some labor pains...didnt work well....well lil baby was sunny side up which caused back labor..which is why the nitrous didnt alleviate any pain. and at 10pm i was 9 cm and still cervix on literally a corner 😲😲😖😖😤😤

at that point labor was so intense and the urge to push was so bad they asked if I wanted an epidural because if i pushed my cervix would tear and i would probably need surgery to fix it. needless to say i said yes!!! judge me if you want but this is my third and i have had both a full epidural and a no help birth (i mean NOTHING)..this baby was stubborn and sunny side up which has NEVER happened to me before. they said it would take anesthesia could take 30 minutes to an hour..thankfully my nurse was a BEAST and got them down there in 15 minutes...bless that woman!!! so i was epiduralled all up and got a nice double dose. they were impressed I stayed completely still for the poking part lol..within 20 minutes i was a numb nancy and all i felt was mild pressure...THANK GOD!!! 3 HOURS LATER IT WAS FINALLY TIME TO PUSH!!! My mom cried, my hubbys mom cried and my hubby...well he was frknt and center watching his son be born. at 2:06 am i pushed out a healthy 10 lbs 13.7oz baby boy named Andrew jr.( im small framed so thats a big deal apparently...dr and nurses were still baffled i pushed him out ) i cried when they put him on my chest😢😢😢😭😭😭

my hubby looked at me and said "im so proud of did an amazing job delivering our son" and he kissed my forehead. my mom and his were still crying but i got forehead kisses from my mom too!! this is her 6th grandchild👶👶👶👶👶👶believe it or not i only had a minor few tears that required only a few stitches...i still cant believe i had him even as he breast feeds now...i am proud of myself!!! childbirth is no joke but i have done it three times now and i am proud of every one!!! the best part is he got to go home on thanksgiving and meet his family too!! he was mostly asleep unless with my mom or his daddy lol!! HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING ALL!!!