Money is gone

Well. Was trying to save money for baby but the hospital took it all. I had just started a savings but literally could only afford to put $25 in it each month. So...I got $150 now. I have a part time job that only pays $9/hour. No set hours a day either so usually less than 4 hours a day. Pretty much sucks. My husband makes all the money which is fine but I've been paying the hospital bills each time I go in, and now since appointments are every two weeks I've set up a online recurring payment plan where they take out $145 a month. ...Will be paying that til 2018 so far. But... I will barely have that money this month and have no idea what I will do the next few months I'm not working. Yes, I can ask my parents and they will definitely pay it (they've been wondering why I haven't had them pay anything but it's because I'm trying to be responsible here). But then this, just these appointments taking all my money and with GD and my insurance not covering the prescription for that yet til next year when I won't need it. Ugh. Now I have everything for the baby, no money worries there. But still. Trying to not have to ask for help for the hospital bills..