mini pill questions...

Never been on the mini pill before...I've heard it takes only 48 hrs of consistent use to protect against pregnancy but that's not been confirmed by a dr...this is gonna be a little long to here's the deal...
I had a baby in January, (my second) I got on the mini pill on Friday the 18th of November while I was on my period. My period lasted 7 days, and yesterday my husband and I had unprotected sex. (Meaning no condom or anything) I have taken my pill every day at 3 pm for 9 days now. 
My periods have been very irregular since I had my baby, but in the past when I was on ortho tri-cycline, it made my periods regular, like every 28days I started, if my periods become regular with the mini pill I'd be ovulating this week. (Mini pill doesn't keep you from ovulating) 9 days enough time to thicken the cervical mucus enough to NOT get pregnant?!?!  Today will be day 10 on the mini pill...I really have no intention of having another baby right now...and the mini pill only works in that one way...