My bf is a jerk in my dreams?

I keep having nightmares of my boyfriend being really mean to me/ not liking me.

We're in a long distance relationship now, we've been together for a few years and the last year I spent near him we saw each other every weekend. So to go from that to seeing him for 1 weekend every 5 weeks is difficult.

Anyway, in my dream last night I went home to see him, he came over, but he immediately tried to set up his video games and ignored my existence. His games weren't compatible with my tv so he packed up and began to leave. I got in his face and said "you're games are more important than me. I drove 130 miles to see you but you only care about those games!" He pushed me aside and I ran upstairs to cry. He eventually came up but just to hurt my feelings. He said he'd been doing a lot of drugs/ popping pills, sleeping around, was banned from some country, was madly in love with some girl and he went to the gyno with her. Then he started rubbing my head really hard and said a bunch of crap about how I'm just a side bitch and that I'm ugly.

It's really annoying and I wake up heart broken. I know it's only a dream but it's driving me crazy. I have so many of these dreams I'm starting to mix up his actions in them with real life. But he's not a jerk in real life. It's just really messing with me, I hate sleeping!