Husband usually says no?

First, I'm pretty satisfied with my sex life, even when sex isn't all that regular sex is always AMAZING. We don't even have sex every week, but when we do, it kinda turns into an event, we usually get down several times that day. It's usually short, but that's because I dry out easy and have reactions to every lube I've tried.
But I feel kinda weird by the fact I'm usually the one initiating it. It's not like my husband doesn't want me, but he says no a lot of the time. Either he's tired or he just says no for unknown reasons. I've been conditioned to think men are supposed to have these super high sex drives, but it seems he might not be one of those. Plus he's very thoughtful in the fact that he usually doesn't want to just be pleasured, saying if I'm putting work into pleasuring him, I deserve to be pleasured as well and he doesn't have the energy to give at that moment what I deserve.
Is anyone else's marriages like this? I'm not U satisfied, but I am confused as I thought it was normally the women who say no.