Epilepsy and ttc

We've been ttc for 5 months and about 3 months ago I started having seizures. Around 2 months ago the neuro put me on leveceritam ( Keppra) and I've been seizure free since. Af came punctual few days after I started taking Keppra but since then nothing. I noticed that I didn't ovulate when I was supposed to but then had positive opks around cd 38. Hubby and I did bd several times around then. 7 days later I had really light spotting and very heavy ewcm ( sorry tmi) followed by really light cramping for a day or two. I'm now at cd 57 and nada. If I did o when I had the positive opks then af should have come by now. I've done two hpts and both negative. Are there any other ladies who have had similar experiences with keppra?