Help, bad case of the feels

I think I like my boyfriend's cousin more than him. There's no way I'm cheating on him to find out. The last girl he was with cheated on him with his brother & his best friend. I don't want to put him through that. I respect him too much to hurt him. I love my boyfriend but I feel like his cousin may understand me better. I don't want to address this with the cousin bc he might go & tell my bf. Plus him thinking or knowing I might like him may change his attitude toward me good or bad. I do love my boyfriend but he does things that I'm not comfortable with AT ALL.  I feel like his cousin would probably respect my boundaries better. 😓😓
How should I deal with my own feelings? 
Should I stuff them deep down and just try to be friends... or distance myself? 
I'm not at all worried that he or I will make any moves. Why are these feelings here? I just met him. 
There's a thought in my mind that if I had met his cousin first I'd be dating him. 
The guy I was dating broke up with me then the next day kicked me out of the apartment, but great news!! He wasn't right for me at all. 
A few days past after the very ugly breakup I was still spending time with the ex's family (weird I know) I knew what days his cousin was going to be at the house and I avoided him just for a few days. Almost a week after the break up it was the first day I planned on going over to help and I knew the cousin would be there. I told my mom that I wanted to confess to him my feelings even if he didn't reciprocate. I told her my plan to take him under the thorn archway and confess; if neither of us got stabbed it was true love. (I had thought of that a day before doing yard work) She told me to wait 60 days. That evening I see Shane. The very first thing he did was make sure that he & I would be alone at some point in the night to tell me how he felt! Since then we've been inseparable. 
I do regret spending so much effort and time with my ex but couldn't truthfully say it was all to waste. Maybe I wouldnt have met Shane if I had never dated his cousin first.