I went in to my Dr's appt for my 2 week check up (33w4d)


I went in to my Dr's appt for my 2 week check up (33w4d). Regular urine test and Bp check was what I thought it would be. My pressure has NEVER been high and I'm very healthy. The NA asked me was I nervous bc BP was 150/100. Hmmmm. She checked again 10 mins later...still high... My Dr comes in 5 mins later and tell me I'm delivering today, checked my pressure (190/120) and I had protein in my urine. Oh yea and I was 1.5 cm dilated. Preeclampsia. It was so shocking and scary I couldn't even wrap my mind around it. I had to go straight to the hospital. No food, no drink, no gum. Apparently this is "common" in 1st time moms.  I was admitted at 1030, started on a magnesium drip (prevent seizures-worse feeling ever), pitocin started at 340, I got my epidural at 1am and I was 10cm dilated at 415. My healthy Babygirl was delivered at 527. I thought I was going home for my baby shower that weekend, but my Princess wanted to be here for Thanksgiving 💞. I couldn't be happier, her timing was unplanned but perfect. I feel so blessed. My BP is still an issue, so I have to watch it closely and I was started on meds. I pray that this Hypertension passes soon.