

Being a ftm and dating someone that has a child from a previous relationship (her mom is not involved at all) is so overwhelming. I love his daughter to death and she calls me mommy...but I went from having 1 baby to having 2 in a matter of weeks! Both girls are used to being an only child but now that we are living together and I watch them both gets crazy. His daughter is a year older than mine and gets jealous easily and tends to not share with my daughter or she yells at her...which I know is normal...but how do I get them to get along better? I show them both the same ammount of affection and make sure everything is equal and fair but it seems to have no effect. Its been almost a month. My daughter seems to not notice or care when his daughter is being mean to her so I feel bad sometimes. There are times when they get along and share just fine but not often enough. Any suggestions or advice? TIA

BTW: in the picture my daughter Is the little dark haired one sitting on my boyfriend's lap. His daughter is in the background looking away.