Delivery at 33 weeks

Last Saturday, 11/19 was shopping for baby stuff when I started to feel some fluid leaking. I felt super calm when I called the Dr. and went to the hospital to get checked out. They told me since I wasn't yet 35 weeks, wasn't having any contractions and only 1 1/2 cm dialated I would be sent to a hospital with a NICU. Felt fine waiting 2 1/2 hrs for the ambulance. During the hour ride to the new hospital I started to feel contractions but nothing bad. As soon as I arrived and they started checking me in, doing bloodwork, hooking up the IV, things got crazy fast. I started to get uncomfortable so was checked again and was already 6 cm dialated. We were waiting for blood work to come back so I could get an epidural but my little guy just didn't want to wait! Just an hour and a half after getting to the hospital I felt like I needed to push. Checked again and was fully dialated. I've never seen a Dr. and nurses get ready so fast! Just 4 pushes later and my little guy was born at 8:05. He's been breathing on his own and getting bigger and stronger every day! He's stilll in the NICU but hopefully getting moved to another hospital and a pediatric unit in the next few days.