overwhelmed mommy of #2

It's been 9 days since I had my lo and I'm overwhelmed. I feel like I'm not doing enough for him. He has a rash from birth all over him. He was hospitalized for really bad joundas. And has now had his unbilla cord fall off too early. He never sleeps in his crib and I'm Breastfeeding, which makes me feel like he's not getting enough. Is this all normal ? Meanwhile I have a 4 year old acting out because grandma is in town and no matter how many times I say something to her or my husband about not letting my 4 year act like a brat they haven't changed one bit. I'm so stressed I just wanna lock myself in my room until I get a Handel on how to rightfully take care atleast one of my children..I just feel like I'm doing a bad job.