Q&A: Need some advice on what to do

Sunday afternoon I went to the hospital for contractions I was having, the nurses confirmed it and kept me overnight, they gave me fluids and gave me four injections in total to stop the contractions but it didn't work. Monday night I was released and came home, I went to the bathroom because of all the fluids they gave me beforehand, sorry for TMI but it was a lot, after that I laid down and about 10-25 minutes later I had a contraction, it lasted for about 25 seconds but when it was over I had the pressure down there like if water was going to burst but when I went it was only a small amount(sorry again for tmi), I was wondering did my water break or was it just urination?  The nurses also didn't check me down there for dilation or if my cervix was open so I'm kind of worried if what's going on. At the moment I'm getting some tightness in my chest and abdomen but no pain yet.