career woman with 4 little kids

The Little Mermaid
Do any moms on here have multiple kids and a full time job/career? How do you handle it time wise? Daycare? Babysitter? Time off? Do your husbands stay home while you work or you take turns? 
My mom only had my sister and I. She's a teacher and never took leave to stay home with us since she was the bread winner for the home. My dad worked part time and stayed home with us while mom was working. Personally, I don't want to end up in my moms shoes. Not that there's anything wrong with it since they both agreed to the plan and it worked out. However, that's not something my husband and I would want to do. 
My dream is to have 4 kids. But also, to survive in this area my husband and I both need to work full time jobs. Just seeking advice and opinions. No rude comments please :-)