Baby wont sleep through the night anymore

My 9 month old never sleeps thru the night now. We have a little bedtime routine.
 5:30-6 dinner time
6-6:30 bath time
6:30-7:30 wind down time
7:30-8:00 bedtime
She almost always goes to sleep between 7:30 and 8:00. 
And then she almlst always wakes up between 2-3 am. Which wouldnt be SOO bad if we didnt get up for work at 4am. And the only thing that will get her back to sleep is bringing her jn the bed with us and giving her a bottle. Ive tried giving her a bottle in her crib and shell fall asleep and then wake up 10 minutes later.
Ive tried the cry it out method but seriously who wants to let there baby cry it out at 3 am?? I cant handle it. 
  I dont mind her sleeping in the bed but i know thats a bad habit and i dont want her sleeping in my bed when shes 10. 
What can i do to help her sleep all night. Is there anything?