Diarrhea - yuck

To start off, I am currently out of the country and in a land where I don't speak the language for the next 3 weeks, or else I would be asking a doctor this, but I was curious if anyone else had ever gone through this.
For the last month or so, I have been having diarrhea. Not all the time, and not every single day, but consitently enough that is has become disruptive to my life (5+ days a week). It is ALWAYS dark green/brown in color and "silty" with a watery liquid. 
To be exceptionally gross, whenever it comes, most of the time it feels like I have to fart, and I have actually shit the bed three times now.
No major diet changes, 25 years old, no known food allergens and normal diet (meat, dairy, bread, fruits/veggies), miscarried 8 weeks ago, symptoms started before trip.
Any ideas? At first I thought, "meh, it's a bug, it will pass," but it's not.
I will be going to the doctor when I get back, but in the mean time.....