what to do?????

My boyfriend and I one month is coming up and he's souposed to come over to my house and I'm to make dinner for us and then we would go out with friends. But today he canceled on me saying that there was a bat in his moms house and she needed help so I then responded saying our anniversary is next week.  He then responded oh. I don't know if I should be upset. He's a redneck and is a complete dummy but that's why I like him but to not remember our anniversary that's an issue. I know like everything about him ( we've dated before and was/is my best friend) and I don't even think he knows my birthday let alone my favorite candy. What should I do girls???? Listen I'm allowed to call him a redneck dummy he's MY boyfriend and that's why I LIKE HIM and he calls himself that so stop the rude comments they arent useful. And for those who ask we are in our 20's and we aren't really celebrating it's simply dinner and going out with friends for fun. Both of us are very busy and I'm not around all the time so when I get a chance to have dinner with my boyfriend and best friend I take the chance.