
Ok so I'm about 7 days late no2, I got super nauseous and hot randomly day before yesterday but it went away after a few minutes then night before last I woke up from a dead sleep to run to the bathroom cuz I thought I was gonna puke. Yesterday I had heartburn and a ton of nausea as well as my stomach hurting and pressure by hips like at my uterus when i leaned forward too far. Today I've had nausea off And on but if I chew mint gum I feel better And im starving but 5 mins after I eat I'm nauseous again And the cycle repeats. I've been having extremely vivid dreams the past 2 weeks,Slightly dizzy and lightheaded, I'm the only one sick too, and TMI I have had so much discharge like I feel like I'm peeing a little every time i get up. I also have cramps off and on with little sharp twinges I'm between. Side note I have endometriosis but have regular periods and ovulate each month(opk tracking) I'm not on bc. I was wondering if there is any reason other than pregnancy this could be happening? I had my gallbladder out last month but had a normal period afterward. I did have a 40 days cycle a few months back and saw my gyno on the 4th of November and everything was fine. My last period was October 26. Any ideas ladies? I'm unable to get a test right at this moment.