Getting Married With Religious Parents?

Destinée • she/they ✧ 27 ✧ very queer ✧ polyam (2 partners) ✧ hobbyist photographer ✧ aspiring astrophysicist ✧ IBS & PFD rule my life down there ✧ disabled w/ ME/CFS, FM & many more!
     So my boyfriend and I are engaged and both of our families know about it. His family is scrictly catholic and my family is like baptist and whatever the one is where you believe in speaking in tongues? I know it has a name. I think it starts with a P. Protestant? Presbyterian? Idk they keep changing it. I'll just say they're your basic strict Christian parents who won't stop talking about Jesus every 5 seconds and occasionally talk in jibberish when they pray.
     Also, my parents have no idea that I'm an atheist, so playing it off even after being an atheist since I was 15-ish is still quite difficult since I'm very honest, for the most part. My boyfriend's parents already know that he's non-religious even though they extremely disapprove and discriminate against him compared to his other siblings because of it and call him a "failed child."
     The reason my parents don't know I'm an atheist is basically for my own personal safety cause my dad, specifically, gets VERY violent when it comes to either atheism or even LGBT. He's beaten the shit out of a man just for being gay before, and when he found out my 14 year old friend who had sex for the first time got pregnant and her mom had her abort it since, you know, she was still a child, he cried for hours and got so angry that he punched a hole in the wall. So for those reasons and given that I have nowhere else to go currently, I'm going to assume that I won't be safe if they find out.
     Now that I have the major family details out of the way, we have a wedding kind of planned out. Like we have the same interests and that's all we've ever talked about, but no actual detailed plan or anything cause it's not gonna happen for maybe another 4 years and our engagement is quite recent anyway.
     Ever since I got engaged, my mom has been constantly talking about the wedding and asking what church I want to be married at and I told her I don't want to be married at a church (it's my worst fucking nightmare) or even the state I live in currently (which is Virginia btw and I hate this state) and she was shocked. The conversation pretty much stopped there and she hasn't brought up any wedding questions since.
     So, now that you guys know all of this, I want some advice for when the time comes and neither of us want our parents there. I don't want a minister, either. I don't want someone to read our vows from the Bible. I want nothing to do with religion at our wedding. I just want it to be a party and a celebration for us basically getting more benefits under the law 😂
     I mean, they're probably gonna be devastated, so I don't want to exactly say don't come (REALLY wish they wouldn't), but if they do come, then idk what to do, because they'd just be bitching and complaining the entire time about how it's not religious or traditional and they'd be talking about god to our friends and shit and they'd just ruin the entire vibe. We want a victorian steampunk wedding where everyone who attends has to dress vitorian and/or steampunk so idk what my boyfriend has told his parents but I've told mine that much and their response was basically "wtf is that" and my mom's like "I'll dress however I want" and I was like "then you won't be allowed to my wedding" and she huffed off somewhere else.
     So any advice for this mess of an essay I just typed? I do apologize for it being a mess, but I'm terrible at explaining things, so I hope you guys can give me some good advice or just ask questions if you need anymore information. I appreciate it a lot if you actually read all of this!