Should I stay..? PLEASE READ HELP!

I've been with my fiance for 2 years now.. and we've been having fights on and off. We argued as we barely moved in together and it was all good a new relationship sex explore. Let me say you I had just turned 18, and we moved into his parents house and we fight and the one day down the line we fought so much as we had moved into the house across the street with his parents and when we moved there we had matured more down the line. And sought out a couple things. I had a job his parents didn't belive me but he did. But then yes one day my dad was rushed to the hospital and he was calling for me and I had to go for my dad even though I missed my fiance like effing crazy.. so I went took pics of our kiss until I came back and a twist happen that day I left we had a fight of me leaving or not. And he kind of forced me to leave to go to my dad and I understood that it was him being nice the he started getting rude and then my mom got there so I left kissed and photos and left. The next couple days I broke up with my because he kept saying things like your happy there because my sister put photos of me and family smiling so he said you should stay there, I mean God knew how much I missed him and needed him.. we broke up that day and my brothers friend came over and he provided so much comfort that we had intercourse and till this day my fiance can't move on from that.. we were fighting even more after the break up.. I didn't tell him about my brother friend.. after the break up he was rude and just an asshole. I still needed him but he wasn't there. It hurt a lot. I was broken and I know he was too but why be a jack ass to me.. the reason we broke up was because of all the fighting and negativity I couldn't take it it overwhelmed me to the point where I just went into self destructive mode. And it was terrible I cried and cried and tried to be reckless as possible.. which flopped on me... The last time we fought when we broke up he promised to change and never hurt me again ever again, he was so devoted for those 2 and a half months then he just went slowly by slowly into angry guy then the 4th month passed and he just went even more mest up. Then by the 5th month we started to argue so badly it went back to the way it was before the break up to me crying myself to sleep everyday.. because he'd say something and I'd say something and then he'd walk out in a storm, just being Mr angry all the way to the max I said please please and begged him don't go when he'd storm off and want to leave the house that I can't live without you please please don't go. I'd get on my knees a couple times. I'd cry my eyes out in front of him. But no reaction just hatrid and disgust towards me like he is saying with his eyes fellow scum but I still care for you. That hurt me so bad when he made me cry and not comfort me as I begged and begged please for give me.. he also abuses his head when he get angry with his fists. He called me a b. I. Tch and said you should just go have sex with someone again. Becuase he said he was leaving the fighting happen becuase we were talking about his parents, that they keep bumping up the time but we had to go to their house on the 24th but they keep making excuses for earlier days but we had things to do and I really didn't want to go so early.. he called me words that night.. i was begging like a dog that night and he said that time too I will changed for you, just so we can be together, for us I will have patience, that I love you I will change for you.. and now we are fighting again terribly, he was working on the roof and he caught pneumonia again, while working in the rain. And he said I'm angry because of my pneumonia, I don't feel good i said ok i understand i feel liek that too sometimes. he says I'm angry because of my dad, he's sick and dying. And I told him my dad is sick just like your dad is, my dad is even worse, he is in the hospital, he's been there for 4 months now and his dad is smoking weed drinking alcohol at home.. our fathers both smoked in the past so the have copd I think.. then he says becuase I can't have any friend, I don't give him any friends, I don't let him have any friends, I told him when did I say you can't, I said I said that in the past but you know for a fact that accurately at the time we moved in with my parents, I said you can have friends don't worry and he claims to say I didn't. He met a kid like 14 ,15 Idk he bikes so I said be friend with him go biking but no I'm the bad person, and then he says Idk how to because I said I said you can I never said moving over with my parents for these 6 months said you cant. He has a child's mind sometimes he likes to play hid and seek, tag, scooters, etc.. I'm fine with it but sometimes he does foolish things.. then we calm down and don't talk about it. He keeps insisting on going to his parents house alone so we can miss eachother, I said no I want to go to what's wrong with that.. then he said ok come.. he likes to walk away in fights. During fights.. sometimes I have mental break downs. He even said I will say it, do you want me to say it, we are done, he said he was showing me how he could say it apparently.. Like it says in those songs he/she will be the death of me.. I even tell him my father sick please have mercy on me, my sisters husband just cheated on her please have mercy on me please.. but if I get mercy I get it for a limited time.... I love this man very much and I try my hardest to make us work but it's so complicated.. thank you have a nice day!

Please tell me what your opinion is what you would do in my situation....?