He was so excited 😢

So the past like month I've been super and emotional and just really mean to my boyfriend and I really don't know why. I thought it might be because I thought I was pregnant. So I told him and he was so happy and was smiling and just looking at me in a way he's never looked at me before. He said he wants me to be pregnant but at the same time he doesn't but the look on his face said it all... he wants to be a dad. The reason why I thought I was pregnant was because my period was so short and extremely light. I haven't tested yet because it's too soon. But now I just have this feeling that I'm not and I know that he'll be really upset if I'm not. I feel like I should of just not said anything to him because now I feel terrible because I really don't believe I'm pregnant even though I've had a bunch of symptoms. Like nausea every night and morning, I've neen crying a lot more than usual, I have a rash on my stomach which looks like it could be a pregnancy rash and my balance has been off a lot. But deep down I just feel like I'm not pregnant like I thought I might be...