Chubby Momma and unhappy Daddy

So my husband and I have recently had our first baby six weeks ago. My body has changed tremendously, like wider hips, poochy belly flab, lots of stretch marks, and I'm a big girl already. The day after I had our daughter via c section, I was up and taking a shower and he had to help me and looked at me with a look I've never seen cross his face. He said he thought I was hurt and was checking to make sure, but it looked like he was shocked and slightly disgusted to see how I looked. We have been having sex since 4 weeks post baby and every time he has asked me to turn over onto my stomach so he can finish, as if looking at my body was a turn off. I talked to him about it and he said he was sorry, that's not how he intended it. That night we had sex he didn't ask and didn't finish, but the time after that he asks. I was so upset I couldn't continue. He claimed he didn't mean anything by it, but my self confidence has dwindled because of all of this. He's apologized and told me he still thinks I'm beautiful, but its kinda hard to believe. I'm not sure how to talk about this with him because when he asked the last time he got defensive.